Smart Home Safety and Security

How to Block Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant from Recording, Logging and Analyzing Your Conversations

September 3, 2019 — HelpCloud Resolution Voice-assisted technology is here, and it’s here to stay. From Alexa to Google Assistant, there are a huge variety of programs that can help you control your world with only the sound of your own voice. You can do things with only your voice that previous …

Resolution’s Helix Wireless Security Panel

January 31, 2019 — HelpCloud Resolution What It Is, Why You Need One and How to Get the Most Out of ItThere are seemingly countless reasons you should own asecurity system. In addition to keeping unwanted guests from enteringyour home, the right system can also safeguard your residence from …

How to Best Organize Your Smart Home

October 12, 2018 — HelpCloud Resolution Have you ever tried to get a piece of technology to work with no success? Imagine if each time you are dealing with a malfunctioning device, you could simply ask it what was wrong or have it troubleshoot the issue for you. Sound amazing? If so, you’ll be …

5 of the Most Popular Smart Devices With Well-Known Security Flaws

September 18, 2018 — HelpCloud Resolution Smart devices can help seniors age in place, improve the quality of life for individuals of any age and much more. That being said, there are some drawbacks to smart devices, too. If someone is able to hack your smart technology, he or she could steal …

Smart Home Security: What It Is and Why You Should Care

March 14, 2018 — HelpCloud Resolution Home automation is scary for a few reasons. First things first, the technology can be overwhelming. If you’re interested in building a smart home, understanding where to start and what products to purchase requires a lot of know-how. More than this, …

Internet of Things – How to Protect Your Home Devices

November 23, 2017 — HelpCloud Resolution The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing a lot about the world you live in. Everything from the way you drive to the way you pay for coffee is changing thanks to IoT. Intelligent sensors and chips are built into the things around you, and then they …