Internet Safety and Security

How to Protect Your Data Online

April 18, 2023 — HelpCloud Resolution Considering Maslow’s theory of needs and wants, safety and security are our second needs. Yes, right after basic needs, we humans need security daily. Be it physical security or online security, both are essential to lead a happy life, whether …

What is Digital Wellbeing and How to Find It

November 7, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution The number of people experiencing Digital Wellbeing through technology is growing.  This is largely due to the effects of ‘tech stress’, or the negative psychophysical effects of living in the digital age. Digital Wellbeing is maintaining a …

Understanding Malware and How To Protect Yourself

October 18, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution At HelpCloud we like to focus on teaching our members (and any reader of our blog posts) on how to protect themselves and their data while using their computer or any device connected to the internet. In order to protect yourself, knowledge is key. …

The Best Tips to Protect Your Personal Information Fall 2022 Edition

September 26, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution Security of HelpCloud customers' devices and personal information is a top priority at HelpCloud. For that reason, we have written a good number of blog posts concerning you or your device’s security. This blog post is an updated synopsis of our …

6 Signs of a Reputable Source of Information while Browsing Online

August 1, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution Having the ability to connect to the internet gives us access to an avalanche of information with just a few keystrokes. Back in the day, we used to have to go to a library or bookstore in order to search for a physical book or magazine for the …

5 of the Most Common VPN Issues and their Fixes

March 21, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution It doesn’t matter whether you are part of a company or just a private individual, what matters, is that when you go online your data and information are protected. We all want to protect ourselves - whether it is from burglars roaming the …

5 Signs Your Facebook Account is Hacked and How to Best Respond

March 8, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution Of all the social media sites out there, Facebook has been rated as the most popular by far and has a global reach of 2.9 billion monthly users. Many users share a multitude of private information over Facebook that they wouldn’t share with a room …

Apps, Hackers and Businesses Use Your Devices and Networks to Cryptomine: How to Stop Cryptojacking

January 12, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution As if ransomware and viruses weren’t enough of a threat already from all those dark web overlords, a new and more covert threat has emerged onto the scene causing a substantial amount of damage to businesses and individuals the world over. The worst of it …

How to Shop Safely Online This Holiday Season (and Keep All Personal Data Private In the Process)

November 8, 2021 — HelpCloud Resolution It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is once again upon us and the mad rush to do last minute shopping is yet again knocking at the door. Only this year we have more to consider when shopping online; not only must we be ever vigilant of online …

How to Change Your DNS Server (and Why Now’s the Time to Do It)

August 2, 2021 — HelpCloud Resolution In a world booming with technology and gadgets, we now don’t even think twice about connecting to the internet or surfing the web, we don’t have to scratch our heads in wonderment at Wi-Fi and wonder what it stands for. All of these things come naturally …