Update Date and Time – Windows Vista

Websites on the internet use your Date and Time to verify your device and the location. So when you have your date and time incorrect, web pages won’t load and typically give you an error saying ”Unable to verify the Data received” or something along those lines. To see if this is what’s causing your issue, follow the steps below.

How to update date and time on Windows Vista:

1. Click Start> Control Panel> Clock> Language>Region and then click “Date and Time”

2. Select the “Date and Time” tab

3. Click “Change time zone”

4. Make sure the correct time zone is selected. Place a check mark next to “Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Saving Time” if it’s not already checked, then click “OK”

5. Now click the “Internet Time tab” then “Change Settings”

6. If it’s not already selected, select “Synchronize with an Internet time server” and change the drop-down menu to time.windows.com.

7. Select “Update Now” Before you hit ok make sure the confirmation message says it’s been updated.