Internet Of Things (IoT)

What Is Web 3.0: Pros and Cons

June 7, 2022 — HelpCloud Resolution Welcome to the age of technology – where everything is always being upgraded and new versions of programs and apps are constantly being rolled out. It might be hard to believe that it wasn’t too long ago when we were first introduced to the …

Ambient Computing: What It Is, Why It Matters and How It’ll Make Your Life Easier

May 4, 2020 — HelpCloud Resolution If you’ve ever used a motion sensor door, you have a little bit of an idea what ambient computing is. If your car unlocks when you walk towards it with the key fob in your pocket, you’re approaching what ambient computing will look like. Though neither of …

5G: What It Is and Why (and Why Not) It’s Worth Your Time

October 16, 2019 — HelpCloud Resolution The system cell phones use to transmit data is about to get a major upgrade. You may have already heard of this new 5G technology, especially if you’ve seen any recent advertisements for a big cell phone network, but what is it exactly?  What is 5G?5G …

How to Create an Energy Efficient Environment for Your Smart Home

September 30, 2019 — HelpCloud Resolution Your home has a bigger environmental footprint than it should. Or at least, it’s a pretty safe bet unless you’re living in an “earthship” in the middle of Arizona or something. But for most of us, efficiency is a balance. We enjoy the comforts of an …

What Cybersecurity Experts Really Think of the IoT, Smart Devices and Smart Homes

October 17, 2018 — HelpCloud Resolution Would you be comfortable leaving your house unlocked overnight if you knew for certain someone was going to try and break in? Do you want to put your safety and privacy in the hands of a complete stranger? If you’re like many Americans, the answer to the …

What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

November 16, 2017 — HelpCloud Resolution The “Internet of Things” (IoT) is becoming an increasingly hot topic in today’s world. Over the past decade and a half, the IoT has rapidly grown and evolved. Today, it is changing the world as we know it and offering new opportunities for growth. If this …